Preparing for Pentecost

by Joseph Wimer

This coming Sunday, churches around the world will celebrate the Day of Pentecost – the day the first followers of “the Jesus way” were filled with the Holy Spirit. What an experience it must have been to be present for the fulfillment of God’s promise to pour out his Spirit on all flesh!

As I reflect on the gift of the Spirit, I find there is much confusion, debate, arrogance, distrust, and even preferred ignorance when it comes to this precious gift. Our friend Dr. Hank once said to me, the church is so often “functionally binatarian.”

I don’t claim to know all of the mysteries of the Holy Spirit (nor should anyone!), but of a few things I’m sure. The Holy Spirit is the very presence of God, the manifestation of love, comfort and wisdom to those in Christ. The Holy Spirit gives life and meaning to our prayer and worship – private and public, individual and corporate. The Holy Spirit is the power of God to expand his kingdom in his world, through his church. The Holy Spirit is what illuminates Scripture and forms us more to the image of Jesus we read there.

I could go on, but simply want to encourage you to rest in the presence of God through his Holy Spirit. Perhaps you can pray this prayer, then sit for a few moments in silent gratitude and surrender.

Here I am, Dear Lord, desperately in need of your Holy Spirit. Give me your Holy Spirit, according to your promise. I don’t know how to ask rightly, so I just sit here and allow you to pray in me, asking for what you most want to bestow, which is your own Holy Spirit – with the Gifts through which the Holy Spirit takes over more and more of my life. Amen. (Prayer from Fr. Thomas Keating)

For those of you joining us for worship at 11 a.m., here a few songs you can listen to in preparation for our time together! As always, our set lists are posted to Eastminster’s Spotify. Join us Sunday as Pastor Paul returns to preach the Pentecost message.

Listen and Prepare
Spirit Break Out >>
Not In A Hurry >>
Heal Our Land >>